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Membership has its Privileges!
Membership in the Suburban Law Enforcement Association can be a tremendous networking tool for law enforcement officers. Membership meeting present an opportunity to meet other law enforcement officers and to discuss important law enforcement issues in a relaxed environment.
Membership meeting are held the third Thursday of the month, excluding June, July and August. Guest speakers are invited to each dinner meeting to discuss relative and informative topics. The December meeting is a holiday party, complete with a social hour, dinner, and door prizes.
Monthly meeting are currently being held at the Hamel VFW Post #5903 which is located at 19020 Hamel Road, Plymouth, Minnesota 55446. Social hour starts at 1730 with dinner at 1830. This is followed by a short business meeting and a guest speaker. Past speakers have included county attorneys; local, state, and federal law enforcement leaders; state legislators and local celebrities including TV and radio personalities.
Annual membership dues are $20.00.